How to fight the good fight with your spouse...

Recently my beloved and I were at the grocery store, shopping for a dinner party. We have done this before but something about this outing was different.

We already have an onion,” my partner said to me in the produce section, followed up by, “We don’t need that large a chocolate cake—let’s buy the smaller cheesecake instead.” It went on and on like this throughout the store. Finally, in the meat section, things came to a head over a pork roast I was getting. “I think that is too much meat,” my non-cooking lover said. In my head something erupted and my little angry person said “Quit doggin’ me about the pork roast! And every other damn thing in the store!” Luckily for us I did not say this out loud. I held my tongue and started wondering what was really going on. Read More...
