September 16-17, 2023
10:00 am to 1:00 pm (each day)

Admission: $90-$170

Have you noticed how much of our time and energy goes into us talking to ourselves? Our neuroses are borne out of our identification with our thoughts and beliefs. Imagine establishing a new way of living that is not borne out of our anxious mental chatter.

First developed in the 1950s, Gestalt Therapy has its foundations in Gestalt Psychology, existential philosophy and phenomenology, holism, humanistic psychology, Eastern contemplative practices, somatic work, and theory of change. When engaging with Gestalt, we hone our skills to listen more deeply to our somatic feelings and sensations. We discover that we have a sophisticated internal radar that can help us align with who we are moment to moment, as we continually emerge in response to the changing world around us.

Join Gestalt Therapy trainer Srini Katragadda for an experiential workshop exploring Gestalt Therapy techniques for restoring mind-life balance. Learn how to rest your mind and discover who you are beyond your mind and thoughts. As you do that, you uncover the anxieties and conditioning that drives our minds incessantly. You learn when to use your mind as a useful tool and when to let it rest. As you gain the ability to rest your mind, you discover a new world of existence. Through this work, possibilities for new ways of living open before you, allowing you to discover the inherent inner peace of your somatic world and connectedness to this mysterious existence.

In this workshop Srini teaches one of the great gifts of Gestalt Therapy, the practice of Awareness Continuum, which shifts your attention effortlessly from your mental zone to the other two zones of our being—the outer zone of senses and the inner zone of our body. By mastering this practice, you restore balance in living from all three zones of reality.

Understand what the mind is useful for and become aware of when your thoughts get in the way of living, loving, and enjoying life. Through Gestalt Therapy, Srini invites you to discover the sensation of a mind at rest.


Srini Katragadda, LMFT has been a clinician and educator for over 15 years. During this time, he has developed training programs and workshops to increase awareness and alignment with oneself. Srini has been facilitating workshops and teaching Gestalt Therapy in the San Francisco Bay Area and internationally for the last 10 years. He co-founded the Bay Area Gestalt Institute and is currently a faculty member at California Institute of Integral Studies (CIIS).
